Web Designing | What is Web Designing

Web Designing | What is Web Designing

Web Designing


A web designing is referring to designing a website that is displayed on the internet. It refers to the experience of the users’ aspects of website development. Web designing helps you to design a user-friendly website.

It is an identified goal of the website or a web page and promotes accessibility for all users. Web designing involves organized content and images on website pages, integrating applications and many other interactive elements.

The elements for designing the web are allows designers to adjust any preferences and provide solutions for that. There are many elements used for web designing:

  1. Layout
  2. Images
  3. Virtual effects/ Virtual Hierarchy
  4.  Typography
  5. Color theme
  6. Navigation
  7. Readability
  8. Content
  9. Mobile friendly


  1. Layout-: is how the material is displayed on the web page. By choosing the correct layout is an important task for the designers. The website layout should be simple, attractive, accessible, etc. web designers make sure that the layout should be specialized and created for mobile devices and desktops. A mobile-friendly website is necessary because as we know many visitors access the websites on their phones or tablets, so make sure that website is ready for mobile visitors as well.
  2. Images-: are graphics, photographs, and others to provide information to the text. For creating an attractive and effective desire, the web designers pick images that compliment the brand, and also, they make sure the image should not be copied from any other website. The quality of the image should be attractive and clear.
  3. Virtual effects/ Virtual Hierarchy-: it’s the order in which the user will process the information on the website or webpage. The web designers create virtual hierarchy by applying visual pattern to the website. This pattern is the way where the design directs the visitors’ behaviors and eyes.
  4. Typography-: it is the font or style of the written content. While designing the website the web designers pick one or more than one combination of font that is attractive and easy to read as well. They make sure that they choose best combination of typography that corresponds to the targeted audience, it is depending on the website’s purpose, industry, etc.
  5. Color Theme-: it is the combination of colors that represent the harmony with brand and industry. This designer use different shades of the same colors. Web designers make sure which color should be used in the account that is more likely to be attractive.
  6. Navigation-:  it is the tool that allow the user to choose where they want to go within a website. It may be present in the header, body, or in the footer of the website, it depends on the website’s layout and structure. The web designers choose a variety of navigation designs such as using a button that hides or in-hides the navigation menu.
  7. Readability-: the text of content is easy to read on a webpage. Because the visitors spend little time on the webpage so the text should be readable and quickly informative. Web designers make sure that they select the appropriate size, pixel for the text that improves the readability.
  8. Content-: it is the information available on the website. Web designers make sure that they provide correct information on the website and also the content should not be copied. The content should be unique and informative.
  9. Mobile Friendly-: the web designers make sure that websites should be visible on mobile phones because many people are not used their laptops so they use to search on their phones that’s why websites should be mobile friendly.


In web designing, there are two methods of designing i.e., adaptive and responsive. In adaptive design, the content of the website is created by using the standard screen sizes as the frame for the layout. On the other hand, in responsive design, the content moves according to the screen size. Web designers use various steps of website designing processes for employees, these methods of designing depend on their client or user’s preferences and goal for the website.


In web designing, you can design an E-commerce website. Also, it is an important part of web designing. Create an online store that’s easy to navigate, informative, attractive, etc. that displays your product to create the best online shopping experience for your customers.

Why you should choose Web Designing?

Web designing is the course where you learn about different types of websites and how to design them. If you really want to give a boost to your career then this course is for you. In this, you will learn how you can design your website, create unique and informative content, etc. that attracts your audience.

Web designing is one of the highest-paid jobs. If you want to learn something new and interesting and make your career in this field then this course in defiantly is for you.

Web designing is one of the leading courses now and the demand for this course is increasing day by day. So, make up your mind and start your career in web designing.

Why did you choose SCODE Network Institute?

SCODE Network is one of the best institutes in Ghaziabad. We offer a certified web designing course and also get an expert session for practice.

At SCODE Network institute you will get the best learning experience and experienced trainers who will guide you throughout the course. We gave our students the best study environment so they do study peacefully and get success in their careers. If you want to make your career in web designing then join us now.

Hopefully, this blog helps you to understand about web designing course.


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